Thursday, April 17, 2008

Gayest Post Yet

So, I have to say how much I'm loving this cycle of America's Next Top Model. I have a few reasons.

1. It's so gay.
2. It reminds me of Zoolander, in the sense that nobody involved seems to be in on the joke.
3. It's fabulous.
4. Tyra's advice is about as coherent as that of Paula Abdul, but she delivers in a "zing pow zha zha" kinda way, and does so as though she's in her right mind.
5. When Tyra makes certain faces she gets a fold at the top of her nose that makes her look like an alien from Star Trek.

My fave is Whitney, because she seems the closest to real.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

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New Shoes

Normally I wouldn't write a blog about new shoes, but these are Docs. My love affair with Dr. Marten began when I was a teenager and they were all the rage. They've withstood the test of time, and still provide excellent shoes and boots and a reasonable price.

The only place in town that has any kind of selection is a store called Rock Junction. They have quite the selection which is way back in the crammed little storefront on Rideau Street. Once you walk past all the bongs and pipes, you can see them.

This is the pair I picked up. They are so comfortable. I'm looking forward to wearing them to work tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

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New Camera

I forgot to mention that for my birthday, some friends chipped in and bought me a new camera! I'm very excited about it.

So far, this is my favorite picture that I've taken with the camera. It's Chester, and considering that it's zoomed in all the way, I thought it was wonderfully clear. It's now my desktop on my computer.

Aril One Two Thousand Eight

I've been 32 for a whole day now. On the weekend Shawn threw a party for me. On Saturday night, a bunch of our friends came over, and it was awesome. I got way too drunk, but from what I can tell, a good time was had by all.

It was a nice mix at the party as well, an ever evolving group of friends, some I've had for ages, and some very new, and it is always incredible to me when I see everyone get along.

Yesterday, my actual birthday couldn't have been a gloomier day. The weather did not cooperate, and as I drove downtown, all I could see were sad faces, people defeated by the weather.

It was nice and quiet though, and for supper I had left over hot dogs and mac n' cheese... and a DQ cheesecake blizzard for dessert.

The snow is melting, and that's the main thing!

Vive la Spring!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ready For Spring

So, from what I'm being told we are supposed to get about 70cm of snow by the weekend. I think I am pretty much over winter at this point. It's been colder and snowier than I can remember in recent years.

I've been away from blogging, and online for a little while. All is well, just busy with something or other for the last month or so.

I feel that I need to somehow find time for myself. I feel that I get caught up in the world too easily, and I just need to have some grounding or meditation time. I'm not sure how to do that quite yet.

Lately I've been getting lost in cooking shows. Chef At Home, which is Chef Michael Smith from PEI is one of the main ones I like. I find the way he describes the food, and ingredients makes it more enjoyable to watch.

Also right into Guitar Hero III too. I have beat the medium level, but don't feel anywhere near ready for the hard level. Gonna practice lots.

So that's about it for me. I'm about to shave and shower and head out for an appointment.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm Not One To Whine But....

I just have to say something about this situation I'm in.

In the last four weeks I have had a cold, caught pneumonia, when almost over that I pulled a neck muscle which caused severe pain when I swallowed anything, and now my foot is swollen and in much pain.

This is one thing right after another. I mean, am I really falling apart?

Normally if I'm sick more than 3 days in a row I lose my mind and get super emotional. Now I'm just beyond all reason and pretty much just barging through whatever is happening and attempting to live in denial about it.

I actually have to chuckle a bit because being sick has had the opposite effect on me now. Instead of losing my mind, I've counted my blessings, and I take it as it comes.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V Day

Today has been a nice one. Got a ride to work this morning (Shawn wanted the car), got Tim Horton's sandwhich and coffee delivered to my bus before I started my run, got picked up after my shift, and brought home where there was a little shocker waiting for me.

Shawn had gone out and bought an Xbox 360, with Guitar Hero. I thought I was going to have a heart attack and immediately started playing it.

We don't normally get each other crazy gifts like this but it sure is nice sometimes.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Love This Song

I was surfing the usual spots and came across a post on a friend's blog ( )with this song.

I think it's pretty awesome, and I love the video too. BTW, Strider is a very talented dancer. Check him out if you like that kinda thing!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again

I can't begin to describe how good it feels to be back at work, and doing something. I've been off since last week with pneumonia, and it has driven me crazy. Not only couldn't I work, but I couldn't do much around the house either. I was trapped in my own body, not able to move too much because I'd go into a coughing fit.

I can only imagine what people who have injuries, and illnesses that leave them paralyzed deal with. I'm so thankful to be healthy and able to move around.

I still have to take it easy, but I want to use this experience as a catalyst to get moving a lot more.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Can't

I can't cough anymore, it hurts too much.
I can't sit anymore, for I'm bored to tears.
I can't sleep anymore, for my restlessness is translated to strange dreams.
Yet, I can't do anything else.

I can't sing anymore, it hurts my throat.
I can't dance, or wrestle, or worse.
I can't play anymore, for the energy is gone.
That makes me the most sad.

I can still rejoice, for I will heal.
I can still have thanks, for it is not fatal.
I can still love, and laugh, and cry, and smile.
I can still be me.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

This May Be TMI

There's something very strange about doing it in a hotel and THEN finding the evidence from those who've done it before you.

I feel so Monica Lewinski right now...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Add Ons

I figured out that I can add stuff onto my new blog here!

So I added the Slideshow feature which will show photos from our Flickr account. I also discovered I can do polls, which is always fun. I decided to be vain and ask about my beard.

Yup, I'm that shallow sometimes.